At some point in your life, you’ll likely find yourself in need of a confidence boost. Whether it’s after a break-up, following job loss or on the heels of turning 50, confidence can feel elusive.

Here are 5 tips to boost your confidence when you’re feeling unsure of yourself…

  1. Spend time with your friends. Being around people who bring out the best in you goes a long way to help you believe in yourself. Schedule a lunch date, go on a shopping trip or have a friends’ night in.
  2. Learn something new. Make a list of things you’d like to learn, and then pick out one thing to focus on first. It could be learning to play an instrument, speak French or cook Italian cuisine. Learning something new helps you break out of a rut and boosts your confidence in your capabilities.
  3. Show your pearly whites. Smiling more not only helps you look more confident, but it has an internal impact, too. Science suggests that smiling can reduce the intensity of your stress response, ultimately helping you feel better. When you feel good, you’re more confident.
  4. Be kind to yourself. Being mindful of your internal dialogue helps you identify where your self-talk is working against you. Use positive internal language to boost your self confidence. Recalling a time you did something well is a great place to start.
  5. Keep it movin’. Moving your body provides an opportunity to work out stress, practice setting goals and celebrating your follow-throughs. Exercise also releases endorphins, which are your body’s “feel-good hormones”.

It can take 21 days or more to form a new habit, so put these tips into practice for a few weeks, and reevaluate how you feel.